If your thinking of getting a jewelry loan in the Denver Area give us a call. We offer the lowest rates on Jewelry loan in the Denver Area. 5% Loans specializes in Jewelry, Coins, Watches, Autos, and other High-End items. We are not your typical pawn shop. Before getting a loan somewhere else give us a call and compare the difference.

Best place to Pawn my Jewelry in Denver!
When comparing your options to where to pawn your jewelry in Denver some major things to consider should be the interest rates that the pawn shop is goind to charge you. 5% Loans charges the lowest rates in the Denver area on Pawn loans. Don’t pay double for the same money. Also consider who will be handling your items while in pawn. 5% Loans keeps all customer items in a secure safety depoit box until your ready to pick your jewelry back up.
How to Find a honest pawn shop?
To find a honest pawn shop it is often good to check reviews and try to speak with someone about your jewelry and how they determine the price to loan or buy your jewelry. If you feel that the shop is not being truthful it might be better to check with at least one more pawn shop before you trust what the person it telling you. If you find three pawn shops telling you the same value then there is a better chance that the value they are telling you is accurate.
Fast money Jewelry loans in Denver!
In need of some quick cash? Pawn your Jewerly. We offer loans on High-end items and jewelry. Offering the lowest Rates in the State 5% loans is upfront and honest with there pricing and loan amount. Give us a call today. 303-945-5138
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